frog / 26 / white
gay / she/they


vixx / onf / mx / victon / shinee / exid / apink / itzy / red velvet


pokemon / animal crossing / fire emblem / tloz / okami / skyrim / sdv / misc. nintendo


MDZS / a:tla / science / animals (frogs, insects, reptiles, marine life) / vampires / MERMAIDS / PIRATES / tamagotchi / musical theatre / studio ghibli / misc. anime / mbmbam




park hyoshin / kihyun (mx) / chen (exo) / taeil (nct)


exo: kyungsoo / minseok
mx: WONHO / changkyun
nct: ten / jungwoo
vixx: n / ken / hyuk
shinee: key

victon: seungsik
Red velvet: seulgi / irene
exid: le / hani
loona: haseul
soloists: sunmi / xia / taemin

don't follow if:

»you fit under the general dfi criteria
»you think bi/pan lesbians exist or invalidate he/him lesbians
»you are outspokenly opposed to any of the groups/members i stan
»you support seungri/are a seungri apologist
»you stan/ult bigbang or suju
»you are a 'btspopper'

note: i will not usually follow back if you are -17 or if you do not have some general info listed in your carrd / bio.


sehyoon (a.c.e)

donghun (a.c.e)

park hyoshin (soloist)



a.c.e ot5, hakyeon (vixx), jaehwan (vixx), hyojin (onf), kibum (shinee), kihyun (mx), seungsik (victon), seungwoo (victon), sejun (victon), seulgi (red velvet), hani (exid), chorong (apink), gain (beg), justin (mbmbam)

"A-Yao. Tell me what you want," says Lan Xichen. It is far more a command than it has ever been before.

Jin Guangyao stares up at him, trying to make the language arrange itself. The first Jade of Lan has a body built in perfect proportion, all muscle under pale skin, adorned with the occasional scar or dark freckle. Every single one of them makes Jin Guangyao's mouth water. What else is his mind for, if not to memorise the constellations of this man's body? What good his clever tongue if it can't get him exactly what he needs?

"I want you to cram yourself into me until I can't think at all. I don't want to know anything but your cock and your hands and your body on mine." He manages, on a thread of a laugh—"What about you?"

"I want you to keep teaching me what I want." Lan Xichen smiles. For a moment his palm rests in affectionate caress on the angle of Jin Guangyao's hip. "But for now," reaching for the jar of oil set next to the bed, "I want you to stop talking and let me take you."

JIn Guangyao stops talking.

Lan Xichen takes him with two oiled fingers at once, setting up a relentless rhythm, the other hand still holding him flat on the bed. Jin Guangyao is not the most powerful cultivator, not the most skilled in sword arts, but he still trains. He still has enough suppleness of his hips to let them splay open; enough strength to brace his feet on the bed and lift his lower body to meet the thrusts of Lan Xichen's fingers.

Need builds inside him, closer and closer to unbearable. When the gasps coming from him have begun to take on a frantic edge, Lan Xichen removes his fingers. Jin Guangyao is helped to turn onto his hands and knees, then pushed between the shoulderblades until his chest is pressed to the bed. He struggles to turn his face to one side.

"Gege," he whimpers. "I—"

Lan Xichen thrusts into him before he can finish. Jin Guangyao chokes around the size of the sensation, the intrusive flare of pain that begins at once to melt into slick, devouring heat. Lan Xichen's rhythm is punishingly fast. Jin Guangyao keeps smudging half-sentences against the sheets, his whole body juddering with the force of being fucked.

"I can't hear you, a-Yao," says Lan Xichen, far away.

And he's dragged up and back, onto Lan Xichen's lap where Lan Xichen is kneeling up. He can feel the muscles of Lan Xichen's core tense against his own back, holding them steady; he manages to anchor himself by snaking one of his own hands up and around to sit at the nape of Lan Xichen's neck. In this position it's impossible not to be aware of Lan Xichen's size, his strength, and to suck ragged breaths around the knowledge that right now all of that is for him. One strong arm is crossed firm around Jin Gaungyao's chest, and the other exerts pressure on one of his spread thighs.

"Oh, fuck," Jin Guangyao whispers, like an incantation. Sweat stings his eyes. His body is one muscle held at the point of stretch. "I—I can't—"

"Does it please you to know I will think of this forever? That I will see you across a room and imagine you exactly as you are now," a soft, soft kiss beneath the angle of his jaw, "so hot around me? No. Don't move."

He can't move. Lan Xichen's hands are holding him down. All he can do is take long gulps of air as if to ease himself open, make more room inside himself where Lan Xichen's cock is buried to the hilt. His whole body throbs with his heartbeat. Someone's heartbeat. It is like the sound of a penultimate chord plucked and hanging in the air, beyond reason, until your very teeth long for the final note that will complete the phrase.

"A-Yao," Lan Xichen is saying. "Guangyao."

It's a question. Jin Guangyao pulls himself together enough to squeeze the back of Lan Xichen's neck in reply. Then drops his aching arm and tilts his head back onto Lan Xichen's shoulder.

"You still haven't made me beg," he manages; a scratched whisper.

"An oversight," says Lan Xichen, as polite as if they were taking tea. "I shall amend it."